Silent Mind Blog

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A young woman wearing a flower crown sits in the embrace of her friend.

How to Hold Space for Others

Like many meditation and mindfulness techniques, the concept of holding space sounds simple, but usually isn’t. Holding space is a totally selfless act. It’s a test of your ego to let someone cry, talk through, vent, rant, or remain silent yet supported through a difficult time. 

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A silhouette of a woman with her arms aloft in front of an ocean at sunset.

Mindfulness as a Means of Healing from Discrimination

We as humans continue to explore ways to influence and alter the systems that discriminate and oppress. But while that evolves, the mental/emotional impacts of being discriminated against keeps many from feeling and achieving their best. 

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A stack of rocks are balanced atop one another, from the largest on the ground to the pebble at the top of the stack.

Our June Mindfulness Goal: Equanimity

Equanimity is a healing balm for tense, unpleasant situations. If we throw equanimity to the side, we can easily react in ways we can never take back. 

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A young woman wearing a hat stands in her apartment filled with natural light and plants.

Bringing Nature Indoors: How to Increase Peace and Calm in Any Space

A little while back, we explored forest bathing. It’s a mindfulness practice that, naturally, takes place in the forest. It’s highly beneficial for those in crowded, urban areas who really need the restorative powers of nature to rebalance and feel at ease.

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