Anxiety is a fact of life. We have to give a presentation at work, and this makes us nervous for days beforehand. Our car breaks down, and we’re worried over how we’re going to fix it. Any number of events can make us reasonably and understandably anxious.
What about when we just can’t cool down? Lingering tension is evidence of a life packed with things which add up to prolonged stress and increased anxiety.
If you experience chronic anxiety and maybe even panic attacks, visiting a doctor or therapist should be your primary course of action. But if you’re looking to take the edge off of a hectic month, here are 10 completely natural ways to breathe easier.
- A break from electronics.
Because humans spend unprecedented amounts of time in front of screens, we’re not sure of the long-term impacts. However, we do know that constantly checking emails and scrolling through social media can send our brains into overdrive. Designate an hour each day where your phone is off, and your laptop is shut.
- Good food.
Overscheduling is the cause of so much anxiety, and it’s also the reason we let our healthy eating habits fall to the wayside. Make it a point to prep healthy snacks and meals that support stress relief - blueberries and avocados, for instance. Also, stop going hungry; low blood sugar can make you more anxious.
- Your favorite physical activity.
Treat yourself to an all-natural high, courtesy of the endorphins we release during exercise. Except instead of begrudgingly dragging yourself to the gym, do something you actually like. Your activity of choice might burn fewer calories than, say, an hour of impact cardio, but it will make you happier.
- Whatever makes you laugh.
When we’re anxious, we’re taking life very seriously. You might have good reason for this, but you still need a break from the weight. If you look for (and appreciate) the humor in life, you’ll be giving your body a physical break from the tension of anxiety. If you can’t manage a deep belly laugh during these times, watch or listen to something that makes you smile.
- Aromatherapy.
Will the scent of lavender wipe away the stress of the day? Maybe not entirely, but aromatherapy is one of the more passive ways we can support a greater sense of wellbeing. Have a diffuser in your home or office that keeps hint of rose, ylang ylang, frankincense, vetiver, or another anxiety-reducing fragrance in the background.
- Nature.
While you’re enjoying time away from the screen, take in the Alpha waves of nature. You don’t have to go on a day-long hike; it’s as simple as sitting in the park or back yard for half an hour. Alpha brain waves bear a connection with less anxiety, stress, and depression, and they’re plentiful wherever there are trees and birds.
- A cup of tea.
Hot tea is so soothing because it offers anxiety relief on two different levels. First, you can choose a naturally relaxing herbal blend containing chamomile, eleuthero, or lemon balm. Plus, heat can signal tension release as well - like a warm bath.
- Singing bowls.
By far, meditation and yoga are two of the biggest anxiety-slayers there are, with regular practice. Neither of them would be quite the same without a singing bowl to instantly get you in the zone. Better yet, you can let singing bowls guide you through a meditation session.
What are your favorite natural ways to keep anxiety levels in check? Be sure to comment below and share them!
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