Singing bowls are one of the most popular tools for meditation and mindfulness worldwide. Each and every day, we encounter more people who want to see what all the buzz is about.
But tune into what people are saying about singing bowls, and you’re sure to hear some misconceptions. Here are five we’re clearing up right now.
Singing bowls are woo-woo.
Singing bowls certainly have a place in mystical, spiritual practices. They go great with crystal healing, chanting, alternative medicine, all of that. However, if you’re a secular person who likes treatments and practices with a scientific basis, none of that should dissuade you from trying a singing bowl.
In fact, scientific research repeatedly demonstrates that singing bowls can work exactly as intended - they help us achieve a more relaxed state, ease pain, and improve our moods.
Forget what you assume about who uses singing bowls. Singing bowls are not primarily used by yogis, businesspeople, teachers, hippies, witches, doctors, and healers - they’re used by all of them (and then some).
Singing bowls are a cure.
If you’re focused on treating mental health disorders and healing from trauma, singing bowls are a great complement to traditional medicine. What do we mean by this?
When addressing our wellness and mental health, we all have different needs. Some people need an even mix of behavioral therapy and everyday mindfulness. Some people feel better with a little meditation and more medication. Others just need a little time off to prevent burnout. But you’ll never know what your best, feel-good recipe is unless you speak to a doctor first.
In other words, don’t use singing bowls as a replacement for healthcare administered by a therapist or physician. Singing bowls help quite a bit with a range of things, but they’re not a Band-Aid for everything, and they’re never an excuse to avoid reaching out to a professional. If you suspect you are suffering from depression or are struggling with an anxiety disorder, consult your doctor.
There is just one way to play a singing bowl.
If you’re new to singing bowls, remember that the goal isn’t to replicate exactly what you’ve seen and heard elsewhere.
There are best practices that help you get great results from your singing bowl, but you must experiment to find your style and ultimately, purpose. You don’t need to play like someone who records meditation tracks, engages in ceremonies, or hosts retreats. You don’t have to be totally Zen in a meditation space; you can play it at your desk, if you want.
There are no potentially negative side effects.
Just because it’s all-natural doesn’t mean it’s safe for absolutely everyone. Sound therapy practices, where the bowl makes contact with your body, are not recommended for pregnant people or those with certain metal allergies.
Furthermore, if you have epilepsy or suffer from migraines, speak to a doctor first.
You should only use your singing bowl when you feel like it.
If you bought a singing bowl because you want to heal and empower yourself with a calmer, more positive mindset, don’t wait around. Take ten minutes every day, starting today, to check out and drop into your own sound healing meditation.
The most meaningful progress we make happens when we choose to do the peaceful work despite a sour mood or busy schedule.
Have you believed any of these singing bowl misconceptions? Do you know of any others? Let us know in the comments.
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